Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Biggest Squirrely Loser

The wife and I have started a little household competition. It is the Biggest Loser... Squirrel Style. So we weighed in yesterday morning (Monday, 01 Jan 07) and will weigh in every Monday until April 2nd. Each week, the one with the highest percentage lost will win some sort of prize (TBD, although mine will probably involve a nurses outfit, handcuffs, and toothpaste... just sayin'). The final weigh-in and total percentage "loser" will win the grand prize. We still don't know what that is, but it will be really, really good (although, to be fair, what is better than ass-less chaps, a rented casket, and baby oil?!? Seriously..).

This otta be fun.
