Saturday, August 27, 2005

Speaking of Demining...

A quick war story. Early on in Enduring Freedom, the UN was taking the lead in the demining effort, particularly in the Bagram/Kabul area. They had run out of fuze and were really up a creek… losing time and money fast. Fortunately, the head dude was a former British Marine and knew to come to the Operators for help. Me and my team managed to get a pallet of Miller Genuine Draft flown up from the American Embassy commissary in Islamabad (thanks to some 96th bubbas). My Brit buddy then traded the beer to the Her Majesties Royal Engineers for fuze and he drove on with the demining effort. I saw a story about him later in Outdoor Journal or some-such. Damn, I really miss that stuff. Talk about getting some shit accomplished! I never went to be not feeling like I earned my pay. By the way, my wife is always astonished to learn about these stories as she finds it miraculous that I remember to take out the trash. Poor thing, she still hasn't met the 'horse trader' in me.